Magic Formula – Download


103 Tricks of the Trade That Work Like Magic To Help You Build a Million-Dollar Elder Law and Estate Planning Practice!

Instantly receive this guide, as a PDF, that is full of very short explanations designed to give you enough information to begin the process of building your practice. Don’t be fooled, however, by the length of these explanations. Bill Hammond, our founder, and Julie Steinbacher literally built a million-dollar practice from scratch, in less than five years, using these little-known tricks of the trade. They understand how busy you are, and they also understand that you won’t put all 103 of these into play. That’s fine…you couldn’t handle the business if you did. Instead, understand that two or three ideas can make a great difference in your practice if you follow through with them. In the meantime, if you find 10-15 that you like, the bottom line is your practice will grow exponentially.

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