Actions Speak Louder Than Words
2020 has been the year of change. Since March our way of conducting business has been altered dramatically. We no longer conduct in-person meetings but have Zoom sessions. We no longer have the in-person interaction that is so vital to our industry. We can spend hours talking about the negatives or we can face this change head on. Whether we like it or not, we are being forced to change our game plan. With the new reality of remote working, communication has been crucial for businesses’ survival. It is not only the words that effect the way we communicate, but the decisions we make. As the world continues to adjust, we need to consider how this change is bearing on our co-workers and our clients.
The main take away from today’s article is the key to communication. As remote work environments became more of the standard, a rise in miscommunication followed suit. We need to ask ourselves, what causes misinformation? It can come from a plethora of factors, whether it be the inability to focus on work when at home, to not checking emails, to over talking in Zoom meetings. No matter what the case is, companies need to realize everyone is adjusting to this new profound change. This brings to the forefront that our actions speak louder than words. People will not remember what you say – but they will remember how they were treated.
As Aesop said, “When all is said and done, more is said than done.” To prevent more being said than done, track your actions by having a say/do ratio. By keeping your word, you build trust amongst your team.
We tend to communicate based upon our own needs. Yet, we find it challenging to work with others who communicate differently than us. Some questions to have your team ask/practice are:
- When communicating with those who are different from me, I should remember:
- Think of someone you collaborate with closely/often. How should I communicate differently with them?
- The best way to work with me is:
Having your team do a Kolbe Report can help show how your team can function during these unprecedented times. Sudden change, like we endured back in March, may cause us to change our natural ways to act.
With the Zoom-era in full swing, a healthy team requires you to be vulnerable, to share how you are feeling, be real with your team, and to act on what you say. One thing we tend to forget is that we are all human. The human element is vital during these times. People want to know that everything is going to be okay, we need to be able to trust each other. Having a team one can depend on can boost productivity and allows for clear transparency that prevents miscommunication.
Understand that in times of stress and fear, people divert back to their instincts. An issue that has become prevalent during the pandemic is employees’ fear of failure due to being overworked and fear of losing their job. A cycle which starts at fear, then conspires to frustration, wasted time, wasted energy, and finally fatigue. Pushing people to give their all during a time of stress and fear of the unknown will not deliver the results you are expecting. Remember, the human element is essential for these times. Instead of expecting a perfect project, expect a completed project. By acknowledging their accomplishments of projects and tasks, you will help them adjust to their new way of life, allowing for things to get back on track.
In the end, we need to remember in times of stress and change, we need greater team collaboration. Make sure to track your say/do ratio to increase trust and because of these stressful times, remember to take a time out, take a walk and clear your mind. Last by not least remember that change is not good nor bad, it simply is. It is your mindset that determines your outlook on the future.