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“A guide to Caring and Communicating with a Loved One with Dementia”
Is your team hurting your business?
They could be if they don’t know how to communicate with your clients who have Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
These clients don’t interpret things the same way as a person who does not have Alzheimer’s or dementia would. Their ability to express and process information becomes impaired and that can lead to frustration and agitation when staff talk too fast, too loud, or come across as demanding. A better approach is to use a low tone of voice, a calm presence and to give your client plenty of time to respond.
There are currently 5.8 million people living with Alzheimer’s in this country with someone being diagnosed with the disease every 65 seconds. *
You are going to see a lot of these people in your office – you already have. If they are not comfortable, they may not tell you what is really going on in their lives, and your job is going to be a lot harder.
This guide is produced by Dementia Focused Practice (DFP) concept provided by MDS. The DFP concept is dedicated to helping people with dementia and their loved ones navigate through all stages of the disease process by ensuring that they have access to the appropriate legal, medical and social services, as well as support.
We want to give you a FREE copy of the Caring & Communicating publication. This reference guide was prepared with ten (10) tools to use when communicating with someone with Alzheimer’s to improve the dialogue with our Alzheimer’s clients, and to help establish attorneys like you as an Alzheimer’s authority.
Just fill in the form below to claim your copy now!